The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of elected officers and the appointed chairs of the standing committees.

The Officers are: President, Secretary, Treasurer, and five Vice Presidents, one for each of the five ORANJ regions: Northeast, Northwest, Central, Southeast, and Southwest. Each Regional Vice President serves as the link between the Executive Committee of ORANJ and the Residents Associations of the CCRCs in his/her area.

Much valuable work of ORANJ is done through Standing Committees central to its purpose and goals.


Barbara Trought, Medford Leas

President Emeritus
Gary Baldwin, Seabrook

Paul Basham, Wiley Mission

Wendy Gansberg, Meadow Lakes

Vice President, Northwest Region
Bruce Tischler, House of the Good Shepherd

Vice President, Northeast Region
Bruce Schundler, Fellowship Village

Vice President, Central Region
Richard Ober, Stonebridge 

Vice President, Southeast Region
Wayne Steadman, Seabrook

Vice President, Southwest Region
Barbara Trought, Medford Leas

Standing Committees

Chair, Legislative Committee
Rick Ober, Stonebridge 

Communications Committee
 Chair, Vacant
 Co-chair, Jack Mahon, Friends Village
 Webmaster, Ann Campbell, Medford Leas

Chair, Research Committee
Jim Gallagher,
Cedar Crest 

By-laws Committee
Not currently active

Chair, Health Care Committee
Vacant – no active committee


Delegates from member Associations meet each fall in plenary session to hear reports, determine policy matters and set program priorities. The meetings are held in the different CCRCs across the state, giving opportunity for members to get to know one another in their own home settings.

The Executive Committee meets by Zoom, usually monthly and acts upon recommendations from committees and vice presidents.

Residents Associations presidents and ORANJ Liaisons have Zoom conversations on the second Wednesday of each month. This exchange of information and ideas is recapped in posts to the public Blog on the website.

Standing Committees

The Communications Committee collects, distributes, and stores information for and about ORANJ. The chair works closely with the newsletter editor. The chair provides content for the website and the webmaster does the technical work. The website has both public space and a private password-protected area for the Executive Committee.

Public documents, which are distributed electronically, by postal mail, and at meetings, include the ORANJ Tree, ORANJ Leaf, plenary packets for our semi-annual meetings, and annual reports on occupancy and fees. After distribution these public documents remain available on this website. Resident association presidents and ORANJ liaisons use a variety of methods to redistribute information for and about ORANJ.

The Legislative Action and Advocacy Committee is responsible for monitoring the various bills that are presented to the Senate and Assembly of the State of New Jersey, which dramatically affect the rights of seniors residing in Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) throughout the state. To meet these objectives, committee members actively develop associations and often long-term relationships with members of the legislative branches of the state. Specific attention is directed towards any bills and/or amendments that affect the rights of seniors, veterans, veterans’ dependents, and the health and welfare of those individuals.

The Finance Committee – There is no Finance Committee at the present time. A former Finance Committee wrote the Finance Committee Guidebook for residents of CCRCs who are serving on Finance Committees, as well as other interested Residents, to help them achieve a basic understanding of their CCRC’s financial position and performance as reflected in its financial statements and other key documents. The Guide was updated in 2010. It provides information to answer fundamental questions such as:

  • What is needed for a CCRC in order to have long-term financial stability?
  • How do you dig useful financial information out of a CCRC’s financial statements?
  • What are a resident’s financial rights and protections under the law?

Download a complete copy of the Guidebook (pdf).

The Bylaws Committee has the responsibility of developing and presenting amendments to the bylaws of the organization, as needed.

The Ad-hoc Nominating Committee is appointed prior to June 30 for biannual elections which occur in odd-numbered years.