The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

April 12 ORANJ Conversation

Residents from 13 communities participated in the April 13th Zoom conversation: Atrium, Cadbury, Cedar Crest, Crane’s Mill, Crestwood Manor, Friends Village, Lions Gate, Laurel Circle, Medford Leas, Monroe Village, Oaks at Denville, Wiley & Winchester Gardens. 

Thanks again to Andy Kleppe for preparing the recap.

Maggie Heineman, Communications Chair, April 20, 2023.


  1. Barbara Trought called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM remarking that this meeting is being recorded and will be available on an “as needed” basis to participants as well as those who were unable to attend or had to leave early.  Check with Maggie for access.  Closed Caption is available by selecting the icon at the bottom of your screen.  Maggie attempted to take participants through a split screen tour of the ORANJ website but had some technical difficulties and promised to do that at the next Zoom Conversation on May10th.  Barbara reminded all that the next ORANJ Plenary Meeting will be on October 18, 2023 at Monroe Village.  Details to follow.
  2. A discussion was had concerning political activity by ORANG and its member communities.  The ORANJ Legislative Committee has joined with Leading Age of NJ/DE to actively oppose pending NJ legislation which, if enacted would require refund of deposits to take place within 12 months of a resident qualified to receive same. See for an explanation of our opposition to this legislation. The ORANJ website will provide updates from time to time and suggest how an ORANJ community can contact its respective state legislators in opposition to this poorly crafted legislation.
  3. This discussion led to participants describing how their communities engaged local, county and state politicians by invitations to speak to residents, encourage residents to become registered voters and form groups of “concerned citizens” who meet from time to time to discuss current affairs.
  4. Craig from Cadbury in Cherry Hill, who in the past was negative about management focusing on Assisted Living rather than IL residents, was upbeat since by contacting Home Office Personal about dissatisfaction he said response was positive and some needed action by onsite managers was improving.  His Moral was, if local management not responsive, contact next higher level and keep at it.
  5. A question was posed about how much money may a community which has 501-c-3 status retain each year.  Maggie was to discuss with Rich Ober, who was not at the meeting, concerning those rules.  Some communities discussed how they give out funds each year with scholarships to employees and local charities.
  6. Another question was whether each community that had residents on boards and committee are protected their community’s Directors & Officers Insurance.  The ORANJ Researchers may take a survey about that.
  7. A reminder that that the 2023 Fall Plenary Meeting of ORANJ is scheduled for 9AM Wednesday October 18, 2023 at Monroe Village.  ORANJ reps are meeting soon with the Monroe Village residents involved with the October 18th, 2023 Meeting to review details.
  8. Next Residents Zoom meeting will be on Wednesday May 10th, 2023 at 10AM.
  9. There being no further discussions the meeting was adjourned at 10:55AM.

One Response

  1. A failure in SpellCheck: ORANG should at least be ORANGE

    Best of all ORANG will never be allowed in an ORANJ communication.

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