Our August 10 Zoom Conversation: “What’s on Your Mind” was well attended. Participants came from 15 of the 25-member resident Associations. The 15 are listed at the end of this summary. We hope that this recap by Andy Kleppe, will encourage even more participation in the September 14 Conversation.
- The president of The Pines resident association reported that The Pines has been acquired by Fellowship Senior living, which has also recently acquired Friends Village and the House of Good Shepherd. A new Executive director has been hired for the Pines.
- The new president of the Lions Gate resident association introduced herself.
- Andy Kleppe, ORANJ Data Coordinator, discussed his concept of having the 25 RA Presidents being able to communicate privately with each other, mostly via email to discuss mutual problems, solutions, experiences, and best practices in the operation of their respective Residents Assns. Those RA Pres. interested should send Andy an email expressing such interest at andykleppe@gmail.com. Maggie indicated email addresses provided will not be disseminated by ORANJ without consent.
- During the course of the meeting Barbara Trought and others questioned and discussed the various trends in the industry including consolidation, for profit v. non-profit, “mom & pop” type of community originally started by religious connected organizations giving way to larger, well-funded organizations having facilities with larger living areas and more amenities. Also discussed was the trend for seniors to consider alternate solutions to aging such as aging-in-place, live with relatives, communities with different models than CCRCs such as Sunrise type facilities without deposit requirements.
- A question of whether communities supplied Chaplaincy Services was discussed with various results. This could be a topic for Jim Gallagher’s Research Committee to pursue by polling the ORANJ members.
- Rick Ober raised the question of communities and Resident Associations having Directors & Officers Liability Insurance. Again this is a complex problem which would require some research as to need, cost and current status with regard to each community.
- Another topic was how each community handles walker, rollators and electric scooters during meals and community events so as not to cause congestions and prevent accidents.
- Jim Gallagher, Research Committee Chair, said the 2022 Occupancy Survey was nearly complete, with only 4 communities still to respond. Jim suggested that a future survey might be on philanthropy in communities, how they are organized, promoted and the levels achieved.
- Barbara Trought announced that there will be a Plenary Meeting on Wednesday October 19, 2022, at Fellowship Village in Basking Ridge, NJ. Each community may send up to 6 representatives. Registration forms will be mailed to resident association presidents next week on August 15 or 16.
- NOTE: Many participants expressed their appreciation for these monthly Zoom conversations. We hope that at least one resident from each community will participate. The next Zoom meeting for resident association leaders will be on Wednesday September 14, 2022, at 10 am. These 15 associations had reps at the August Conversation. Atrium at Navesink, Cedar Crest, Crestwood Manor, Friends Village, Laurel Circle, Lions Gate, Meadow Lakes, Medford Leas, Monroe Village, Oaks at Denville, The Pines, Seabrook, Stonebridge, Wiley Mission, and Winchester Gardens.