The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

November 11 Zoom Conversation

ORANJ Conversation November 9

Residents from 11 Resident Associations participated in the November Zoom Conversation.  Atrium at Navesink, Cedar Crest, Crestwood Manor,  Friend Village, Laurel Circle, Lions Gate, Medford Leas, Oaks at Denville, Pines at Whiting, Wiley Mission, Winchesters Gardens

Thanks again to Andy Kleppe, ORANJ Data Coordinator, for preparing this recap of the conversation.   

Maggie Heineman, Communications Chair.

. 1 Barbara Trought called the meeting to order at 10AM and discussed the Plenary Meeting of ORANJ that was held on Wednesday October 19, 2022 at Fellowship Village.  She and the others on the Zoom meeting had nothing but praise for how well the event was conducted.  The bus and car parking, directions to registration, the gifts at sign-in, the continental breakfast, Dan Seeger’s thoughtful talk on the future of CCRCs (aka Life Plan Communities “LPC”), which is available on the ORANJ website and the afternoon program by the Bernard’s Twps. PD and a US Postal Inspector all were well done starting and ending on a timely schedule.  The Spring April 2023 Plenary Meeting is in the planning stage and a host venue is being sought.

.2 Barbara then discussed an inquiry she had received from NaCCRA (National Association of Continuing Care Resident Associations) concerning whether ORANG communities were seeing the shutdown or reduction of Skilled Nursing Beds which might lead to those contract services being outsourced to other providers.  While a few of ORANJ communities have scaled back or closed the Skilled Nursing Unit most still have it on site.  Staffing to operate at full capacity is still a problem.

.3 Discussion then turned to the Touchtown Community App. introduced by Springpoint to its communities and how it was being used by residents.  Other communities have similar apps such as Cedar Crest and its fellow Erickson communities.   These apps provide current information about activities, dining, Residents Association meeting & minutes and an ever expandable menu of interesting topics.  Due to imagined or real concerns about privacy there seems to be somewhat of a reluctance of some residents to install and use the App. to its full potential, which is impressive once used.  Much of the concern is generational and as new residents move in the use should increase.  Like all new things education about it must be continuing and understandable.  For those residents without devices Kiosks in common areas are sometimes available so residents can keep updated.

.4 Some discussion concerned the assimilation of new residents.  There should be a continuing system whereby marketing, welcoming committees and all resident association committees should make new comers part of community life.

.5 A recurring concern is that Parent Companies such as Erickson, Springpoint and others with more than a single community do not make an effort to engage the residents by keeping them up to date or seeking their input. The on-site Administrators do a good job, but sometimes are limited by “Corporate” in the information provided.

.6 Barbara concluded the meeting at 10:50 AM by reminding all that ORANJ, to succeed in its mission, must have a continuing stream of active and engaged leaders and workers, such as a Web master, Area Vice-Presidents and Committee members.  All those with  interest and talents are encouraged to become engaged.

The next ORANJ Zoom Conversation: Wednesday December 14, 2022 at 10AM.



6 Responses

  1. Frances Cohen from Applewood. I joined the Zoom Wednesday. My name appeared in a black box. I tried all the remedies to unmute but nothing helped. So, I listened. At one Julie from Monroe Village was asked if this Frances Cohen from Monroe Village. Interestingly, I know both Julie and Frances Cohen from Monroe Village.

    To add Applewood to the conversation, our health care units (4) of them are functioning very well. We have raised our wage rates in order to hire competent RN’s CNA’s etc.

  2. Thanks for the update.
    As I said on the 11/9 ZOOM meeting, Laurel Circle has had Touchdown for about 4 years. Any resistance to having the app on computers, iPads, iPhones, or linked to Alexa devices does not seem to be because of privacy fears: it is usually residents who resist “things techie.” In some households, it may be just one of the 2 residents there.
    Communities may choose what information is on Touchdown. Laurel Circle has Touchdown for residents and one for staff. I will be sending Maggie more details, including an idea of the 31 icons/modules (subjects) for residents. Staff has 22 additional icons particular to them.
    While we can make work orders on it, we do not yet make reservations for dining. Still, Touchdown has a wealth of information to keep residents up-to-date and engaged.

  3. Can you put me in touch with someone at a CCRC that uses Touchtown or a similar app?


    I am a resident at Applewood .

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