The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

Legislative Contacts


ORANJ from time to time may ask you to contact state or federal legislators regarding legislation which affects Life Plan Communities/Continuing Care Retirement Communities. Legislators pay the most attention to those who live in their voting district, i.e., constituents. When we ask, you can contact them by email, postal mail, or telephone, whichever you are most comfortable with.

The links to legislators’ websites give you their postal address and telephone number. 

Email to Legislators – follow the pattern:
The email pattern for Assemblywoman Dawn Fantasia is
The email pattern for Assemblyman Christopher Tully is
The email pattern for Senator Gopal is

The Senate Committee for Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens (SHH) and the Assembly Committee for Aging and Senior Services (ASE) handle most legislation involving seniors. Please check the list and look for the initials ASE and SHH to see if a member of either of those committees serves your district. These are the legislators we will most likely need to contact.

Help from Your Legislator

In addition to contacting your legislator regarding legislation, you should feel free to reach out to their offices for help when you have a problem involving New Jersey or federal government. All legislators have “constituent service /caseworker staff” who often can be of help.

State issues include:

  • Dealing with state agencies in general
  • Department of Motor Vehicles
  • Unemployment Benefits
  • State roads
  • State income, sales and estate taxes [not real estate taxes except for state subsidies]
  • Voting registration
  • Banking

Federal issues include:

  • Dealing with federal agencies in general
  • IRS – federal taxes
  • Medicare
  • Social Security
  • Veterans Affairs
  • Passports and Immigration
  • Banking
CCRCDistrictAssemblyAssemblySenateU.S. House of Representatives
Allegria Fountains4Dan Hutchison (D)Cody Miller (D)Paul Moriarty (D)1Norcross, Donald (D)
Applewood11Margie M. Donlon (D)Luanne M. Peterpaul (D) AHSVin Gopal (D) 3Conaway, Herbert C.(D)
Atrium Navesink11Margie M. Donlon (D)Luanne M. Peterpaul (D) AHSVin Gopal (D) 6Pallone, Frank (D)
Bristol Glen24Dawn Fantasia (R) AHSMichael Inganamort (R)Parker Space (R)5Gottheimer, Josh (D)
Cadbury at Cherry Hill6Lewis D Greenwald (D)Melinda Kane (D)James Beach (D)1Norcross, Donald (D)
Cedar Crest26Brian Bergen (R)Jay Webber (R)Joseph Pennacchio (R)11Sherrill, Mikie (D)
Cranes Mill40Christopher DePhillips (R)Al Barlas (R)Kristin Corrado (R)11Sherrill, Mikie (D)
Crestwood Manor9Brian Rumpf (R)Gregory E. Myhre (R)Carmen Amato, Jr. (R)4Smith, Christopher (R)
Evergreens, The7Balvir Singh (D)Carol A Murphy (D)Troy Singleton (D)3Conaway, Herbert C.(D)
Fellowship Village21Michele Matsikoudis (R) Nancy F Munoz (R)Jon M. Bramnick (R)7Kean, Thomas (R)
Friends Village3Dave Bailey, Jr. (D)Heather Simmons (D)John Burzichelli (D)2Van Drew, Jefferson (R)
Harrogate30Sean T Kean (R)Avi Schnall (D)Robert Singer (R) SHH4Smith, Christopher (R)
House of the Good Shepherd23John DiMaio (R)Erik Peterson (R)Douglas J Steinhardt (R)7Kean, Thomas (R)
Lantern Hill21Michele Matsikoudis (R) Nancy F Munoz (R)Jon M. Bramnick (R)7Kean, Thomas (R)
Laurel Circle23John DiMaio (R)Erik Peterson (R)Douglas J Steinhardt (R)7Kean, Thomas (R)
Lions Gate6Lewis D Greenwald (D)Melinda Kane (D)James Beach (D)1Norcross, Donald (D)
Masonic Village7Balvir Singh (D)Carol A Murphy (D)Troy Singleton (D)3Conaway, Herbert C.(D)
Meadow Lakes14Tennille R. McCoy (D)Wayne P DeAngelo (D)Linda R Greenstein (D)3Conaway, Herbert C.(D)
Medford Leas8Michael Torrissi, Jr (R)Andrea Katz (D)Latham Tiver (R)3Conaway, Herbert C.(D)
Monroe Village14Tennille R. McCoy (D)Wayne P DeAngelo (D)Linda R Greenstein (D)12Coleman, Bonnie Watson (D)
Oaks at Denville26Brian Bergen (R)Jay Webber (R)Joseph Pennacchio (R)11Sherrill, Mikie (D)
Pines Village9Brian Rumpf (R)Gregory E. Myhre (R)Carmen Amato, Jr. (R)4Smith, Christopher (R)
Seabrook11Margie M. Donlon (D)Luanne M. Peterpaul (D) AHSVin Gopal (D) 4Smith, Christopher (R)
Stonebridge at Montgomery16Roy Freiman (D)Mitchelle Drulis (D)Andrew Zwicker (D)12Coleman, Bonnie Watson (D)
Wiley Mission8Michael Torrissi, Jr (R)Andrea Katz (D)Latham Tiver (R)3Conaway, Herbert C.(D)
Winchester Gardens28Cleopatra Tucker (D) AHSGarnet Hall (D)Renee Burgess (D) SHH11Sherrill, Mikie (D)
U. S. SENATORSCory Booker (D)Andy Kim (D)