The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

Plenary Panel Q&A Continued

At the October 18 plenary, there were many questions following the panel presentation on “CCRC  Governing Boards and the Law.” The panelists from Harrogate and Fellowship Life were chosen because the governing boards of their CCRCs were good examples of compliance with both the letter and the spirit of the law. See the online paper “CCRC Governing Boards and the Law” for background on this topic.

Following the panel’s presentation, there were many questions from the audience. Some questions were answered, some required further study. Whether or not your questions were asked or answered at the plenary, please use the comment feature of this blog to ask questions and provide answers. Sometime next month we’ll review all the comments on this blog and try to compile them into a useful FAQ on this subject.

3 Responses

  1. How would the NJ Department of Community Services know whether a CCRC is complying with the law that includes resident member of the policy board and four meetings each year for residents and policy boards?

    1. The NJ DCA would only know whether was compliance only if a residents association informed the DCA. However the DCA seems to be short staffed. ORANJ has been unsuccessful this year in contacting the person at DCA who is responsible for CCRCs. Also, the DCA’s guidebook on CCRCs is out of date.
      Among other things, the list of CCRCs in Appendix VII that starts on page 36 is now incorrect. Your question encourages me to try again to contact the DCA and ask them to update the guidebook.

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