Testimony by Charles Germany, immediate past president of ORANJ, to Assemblywoman Pou’s committee on Assembly Bill A-3018, (now A-1148)
I come on behalf of the Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey (ORANJ) to testify in support of Senate Resolution 27, urging the reactivation of and making appointments to the Continuing Care Advisory Council. The Organization of Residents Associations represents some 9,900 senior citizens living in 23 of the 25 Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) certified by the state of New Jersey and fully open for occupancy. I am a resident of one of the CCRCs.
Let me point to a few key reasons why we believe the Continuing Care Advisory Council should be reactivated:
First, growth and change in the CCRC world in New Jersey. When Public Law 1986 was enacted only a few assisted living and nursing homes had transitioned into full CCRCs, adding the level of independent living to the traditional levels of assisted living and long term care. Today, as mentioned, 25 CCRCs are certified and operating, and others are under construction. Within the CCRCs, occupancy has shifted dramatically to independent living. Of the 9,900 seniors of our organization, over 7,300 are in independent living, presenting a range of new issues stemming from the presence of active, self-determining individuals.
Second, growth and development of services targeting CCRCs. Dramatic growth and change is taking place not only within the CCRCs, but also in the service world around the CCRCs and vital to their program and operations, such as Technological Services, Food service enterprises, and Personnel Services.:
Third, growth and change in the world of insurance and liability. Liability costs are burgeoning. Companies in the state of Florida no longer write liability policies for CCRCs. My Long Term Care agent told me recently, “Get your kids into Long Term Care policies now, because underwriting companies are dropping out.” Why? “Because they don’t know how to figure the actuaries, as new medicines are extending life and the baby boomers are nearing retirement.”
Fourth, growth and change in the world of finance and marketing.
The list could go on, but surely the time has come for reactivating the Advisory Council and for its membership to be appointed. Thank you, Mr. Chairperson, for this opportunity to testify
Charles H. Germany, Immediate Past President, ORANJ
Winifred Livengood, Vice President
David Hibberson, Vice President