The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

September 11 Second Wednesday Conversation

Due to technical difficulties and Maggie’s absence, we have no summary. If some part of the conversation is clear in your mind, please tell us about it by leaving a comment below.

4 Responses

  1. I (BJ Drews from Applewood) asked if other member CCRCs had a Wellness center that provides walk in services such blood pressure checks, blood sugar checks, dressing changes, injections, etc. From the responses given, I gathered that some do, some don’t,
    There was a discussion about NJ ban on bed rails in rehab facilities.
    There was a comment about competition from the recent advent of housing+dining facilities that don’t require an entrance fee.
    Many participants reported their capacity at less than 70% filled. We are jealous of Lion’s Gate’s 100% with a waiting list!

  2. From my very brief notes:
    Discussed situation at Applewood Village, recently acquired by Fellowship LIFE, and how access to medical care and/or private physicians on campus has been curtailed. It was not mentioned if this was strictly a decision by Fellowship or whether medical providers had made some decision on their own. There was some discussion of how this is handled at other communities.
    Another participant recounted how apparently new regulations may prohibit “bars” from the sides of beds of residents in rehabilitation facilities or assisted living.
    One CCRC had not yet received registration information and forms for October’s plenary session. This was due to an incorrect email address in the ORANJ email account and has since been rectified.

  3. Bj Drew’s:: Pines Village has a walk in wellness center during the week but not 7/24. Doctor and Nurse Practitioner available during the week. New law re: bed rails re: more laws for patient safety- not new as when i was a working nurse/teacher we needed to teach
    the law of restraints and patient safety. and last i did not know the capacity of residents at the meeting but have found out that our resident capacity is approx 45% but we have had two new residents move in and 3 will be moving in by the end of September. As far as own physicians in facility, Fellowship encourages residents to use the medical staff for own health needs. i just recently moved my general practitioner to the in house health service because of the availability of my other private physician. Less travel, availability of services and appointment.

  4. Barbara took time to honor the tragic history of 9/11.
    NACCRA was praised for its information about CCRCs.
    A few CCRCs have solar panels.
    A question was raised: can your CCRC check a person’s finances after the resident has moved in to be sure the resident has not spent down his money? One CCRC has a 5-year look back.

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