The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

Summary of the December 11 Second Wednesday Conversation

There are 25 residents association members of ORANJ. 20-24 people attended the Zoom on December 11.

  1. The first topic was about electric mobility vehicles (EMVs) in senior living communities. Neil Grolnic from Seabrook raised concerns about speeding and safety issues. Several communities shared their practices for EMV regulation, including registration, license plates, speed governors, and potential consequences for repeated violations.
  2. The group discussed Monthly Service Fee increases for the upcoming year. Most communities reported increases between 3.9% and 5%, with a few exceptions. Some communities are exploring solutions like building staff housing or advocating for more flexible visa programs to address staffing shortages. Factors influencing increases were discussed, including occupancy rates, operational costs, and corporate consistency within management groups.particularly in healthcare roles. Other cost drivers include rising food prices, utility costs, and health insurance expenses for employees. Many communities are facing difficulties hiring and retaining staff. Salary increases have been necessary to attract and retain staff.
  3. The meeting did not provide conclusive follow-up information on the law regarding money returned to residents’ families upon death or the issue of railings in nursing homes and rehab facilities.
  4. A speaker for the next plenary meeting in October was mentioned, with a call for topic suggestions.

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