The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

January 10 ORANJ Zoom Conversation

Residents from 17 communities participated in the 1/10/2024 Zoom conversation: Atrium, Applewood, Cedar Crest, Crane’s Mill, Crestwood Manor, Fellowship Village, Friends Village, House of the Good Shepherd, Laurel Circle, Lions Gate, Meadow Lakes, Medford Leas, Monroe Village, Oaks at Denville, Pines Village, Wiley Mission, & Winchester Gardens.

Thanks again to Andy Kleppe for preparing the recap.

Maggie Heineman, Communications Chair, February 3, 2024


Barbara Trought was elsewhere so Andy Kleppe called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. Closed captioning is available by selecting the icon at the bottom of your screen. Andy reminded all that the next ORANJ Plenary Meeting will be on October 16, 2024, at Seabrook, an Erickson Community. An executive from Erickson is anticipated to be the morning speaker.

The topics are numbered for easy reference.

  1. Julie from Winchester Gardens, a Springpoint Community in Maplewood, Essex County, continued the update that she started at the November 2023 meeting, reporting on a positive trend in new move-ins who are younger, more active and willing to be involved in the Residents Association. Expecting increase in 4th Quarter, 2023 move-ins resulting in a positive increase in census. The marketing staff has been in place almost 4 years and is diverse and dedicated. Residents have an active role in the marketing presentations at marketing events telling of their experiences as residents. Social media is used in marketing efforts.
  2. The new RA President from Applewood announced that the Applewood community is now affiliated with Fellowship Life, bringing to five the number of such communities under Fellowship Life management.
  3. Many communities reported upticks in Covid cases so that in some cases masks and a no guest policy was put in place.
  4. A Cranes Mill resident discussed his community’s goal to have the self-opening doors installed in all restrooms and those that access the outside. In many cases it is persistence in keeping the item on the agenda with Administration that will succeed in budgeting for some each year. Trash room doors, which are heavy, are usually “Fireproof Doors” required by local codes.
  5. Bruce Shundler, Northeast Region VP reported on his meeting with representatives of the LPCs in his region and suggested similar meeting in other regions should be considered.
  6. Other topic discussed were handicapped parking rules, meal plans with transitioning to the “Point System,” and continuing information concerning ORANJ and its website (, which has much useful information about its operations involved in community governance.
  7. The Legislative Committee reported that none of the legislation concerning matters of interest to ORANJ was acted on during the final session of the Senate & Assembly. Any of those bills would have to be re-introduced in the next session.
  8. Next ORANJ Zoom conversation will be on Wednesday, February 14th, 2024, (Valentine’s Day), at 10 AM.

There being no further discussions the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM.

One Response

  1. I am sorry I missed the zoom meeting. I’m in the hospital. I should be able to participate in the next one

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