Residents from 14 communities participated in the 10/11/2023, Zoom conversation:
Applewood, Cedar Crest, Crestwood Manor, Fellowship Village, Friends Village, House of the Good Shepherd, Laurel Circle, Lions Gate, Meadow Lakes, Medford Leas, Monroe Village, Oaks at Denville, Pines Village, & Winchester Gardens.
Thanks again to Andy Kleppe for preparing the recap.
Maggie Heineman, Communications Chair, October 16, 2023
Barbara Trought called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. Close Caption is available by selecting the icon at the bottom of your screen. Barbara reminded all that the next ORANJ Plenary Meeting will be on October 18, 2023, at Monroe Village. Registration has been strong 125 participants expected.
The topics are numbered for easy reference.
- 10:05AM: Who pays for community activity events? The resident life office of the Administration or The Residents Association? Answers varied. A survey by ORANG Research may be in order.
- 10:15AM: Do any of the Resident Associations have a Credit Card paired with the Association’s Bank Account? Few indicated that they did and those who did said its use it tightly controlled. One use is payment of Association’s membership dues to NaCCRA. (Comment: It has been encouraged that individual residents become NaCCRA members rather than the Resident Associations).
- 10:20AM: Maggie updated some details of Plenary Meeting such as lunch table numbers on you ID Badge, that seating in auditorium is at tables for a few rows and then regular chairs & that bus drivers will have a room of their own to hang out and have lunch.
- 10:35AM: Discussion about wait-staff problems at some communities, but with praise for high school & local college students doing a great job at serving the residents.
- 10:40AM: Medicare Advantage Programs. Be sure to do your homework before enrolling. (Note: Sunday NYT article had info and suggested to first turn off your TV sets from the ads. Also recent NaCCRA newsletter had article of what to look for in medical care offered by Life Plan Communities).
- 10:45AM: While Flu shots are being offered at most communities the currents Covid Shot is not as was done on-site in prior years. Many feel that Administration should provide.
- 10:50AM: Discussion from a Springpoint resident that Springpoint’s Insurance has never covered Residents for Directors & Officers liability insurance while acting in that capacity. (Note: A few days after the meeting the ORANJ Executive Committee received a copy of a 5-year-old study concerning the subject of SP in particular and RA’s in general. While the study was unsigned or dated, it contained much information on the topic. This will be on the EC agenda at its next meeting).
Next ORANJ Zoom conversation will be on Wednesday November 8, at 10 AM.
There being no further discussions the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM.
2 Responses
Assuming Pike’s Village is Pines Village. A question I would like to have answered at a future Zoom meeting is how other CCRC’s handle visitors that stay in resident apartments. Is there a time limit on them ? Are they entitled to use community facilities ? Is any payment or registration required ?
Thanks !
Information provided is always helpful and relevant.