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The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

The Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey

Refundable Bill: Action Needed — May 24 in Trenton

On the afternoon of May 24 the Assembly will act on the ORANJ-sponsored bill concerning refundable deposits. It would make a statement if many ORANJ members attended the session. The Assembly gallery usually opens at 1:00 pm. Parking can take a while. Ron Whalin has suggested that we meet at the NJ State House Cafeteria about 12:00 and enter the gallery together. It would make a statement if many ORANJ members attended the session. Contact Ron at 2whalins@gmail.com  if you are interested in attending.

Following the action in the assembly, a companion bill will go to the senate. We have been successful in the legislative process when ORANJ voices appear at committee hearings or by letters to committee chairpersons and/or individual members of a committee. The more they hear from seniors the more likely they are to support a bill we favor. Whatever you do will help at any level in the process.

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