Legislation on refunds of entry deposits will be voted on tomorrow, June 26, at 1 pm by the NJ General Assembly. Leading Age will be there lobbying for an amendment that requires the estate of a vacated unit to continue paying the monthly maintenance fee for up to three months following the vacation of the Unit. Please phone your Assembly representative not to support this provision. If you can come to Trenton and join others from ORANJ in the visitors gallery, that would be better yet. You may contact Maggie or Ron for more info on where to meet. Assembly members’ telephone numbers can be accessed by going to http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/municipalities.asp and from there to your Legislative Districts and contact info for your representataives. Ron Whalin: 2whalins@gmail.com 908.903.0155, cell 973.723.5699. Maggie: magdrides@gmail.com, 609.518.8906.